Fire Detection Systems For Every Application

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Fire…the dreaded “F word”. While suffering a loss to a fire is something none of us want to think about, it’s unfortunately an unavoidable circumstance. Fortunately, though, we specialize in fire detection and suppression systems. After all…it’s the “F” in Quantum FSD. Be it for residential or commercial applications, we have a system for you, fully tailored to your needs.

Fire Detection For Your Home

Most residents have standard local smoke detectors in their homes. While this may be sufficient for alerting everyone in the home, it still leaves calling 911 up to you. With our residential fire detection systems, you no longer need to worry about that. You and your family can focus on getting out of the house and to your safety zone while we contact the local fire department for you. From simple fire alert and monitoring to fire sprinkler control systems, we have a system for you.

Fire Detection For Your Business

Own a business? No matter how large or small, we do it all! Our systems will monitor your business 24/7…alerting occupants and contacting the fire department in the event of a fire. We can also integrate fire suppression control into our alarm systems as well. With trusted brands such as Bosch & Honeywell and 24/7 monitoring provided by our fully redunant UL-listed central station, your business will have the ultimate in fire detection.